In the wake of hurricane Katrina, Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana has transformed itself into a relief center to receive and distribute items and services of need to the people of south Louisiana. We don't have time for another all-star telethon! If you want to donate to a real relief fund, Here's the link at the church. I challenge all bloggers to post the link to the church or Red Cross. You can also see pics of the relief effort at Pastor Dino Rizzo's blog.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 8:34 PM |
Real Hurricane Relief
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 5:13 PM |
Blogging Church
Brian and Terry of Fellowship Church launched their site and announced their new book deal yesterday. Blogging Church is a one-stop resource for pastors and leaders who want to know the why, what, and how of blogging.
-Why should my church embrace blogging?
-What can blogs accomplish in my church?
-How can we get started?
For those leaders or churches looking to start blogging, Blogger and Typepad is a good place to start!
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 12:05 PM |
The Leadership Blog Interview: Bil Cornelius
Bil Cornelius
Bio: Bil is the founding pastor of Bay Area Fellowship, a church reaching the next generation, growing from five people to over 4,000 in seven years. Bay Area Fellowship has been listed in Outreach Magazine's 100 Fastest Growing Churches in America.
Church: Bay Area Fellowship
The Leadership Blog Interview
1. What gives you the greatest joy in being a leader?
Bil: "Seeing lives changed is by far the greatest joy of leading."
2. What is your biggest pet peeve as a leader?
Bil: "When people who claim to be mature in their faith are the most selfish of all the people we lead."
3. Who made the biggest influence in your life as a leader?
Bil: "Jesus. Then my father, a laymen, but a wise, godly, leader. Then Rick Warren's teaching, and the personal mentoring of Ed Young. "
4. What books have changed your life?
Bil: "In this order...the Bible (New Living only, just kidding), The Purpose-Driven Church, by Rick Warren, Planting Churches at the end of the 21st Century, by Aubrey Malphurs. An Enemy Called Average by John Mason (and everything else from John Mason)."
5. What's your biggest challenge as a leader?
Bil: "Time. The more God blesses your ministry, the more you have to say no to. If you say "no" only if people understand, then you won't say no enough."
6. What goals do you have as a leader?
Bil: "When I die, my tombstone, I hope, will say the following: He relentlessly pursued God. He was still crazy about his wife after all these years, and he raised three incredible kids. Then, he started a church that changed the world, by starting one hundred more churches to reach the next generations for Christ. And he liked to surf too."
7. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Bil: "I see myself mentoring church leaders all over the world, from the 100 churches we will have started. Actually, we should have started about 80 of them in 10 years, with 20 left to go. Believe it or not, I have a timeline for all of this. Also, I see myself with less hair...truth is truth, whether I like it or not. God bless."
Bil, Thanks for taking time for the interview. You're a great leader. I'd love to see you get a blog like Perry.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 10:45 AM |
The Leadership Blog Interview: Perry Noble
Perry Noble
Bio: Perry is Senior Pastor of New Spring Community Church with over 4000 in attendance each week. New Spring is one of the 100 Fastest Growing Churches in the U.S.
Church: New Spring Community Church
The Leadership Blog Interview Questions
1. Perry, What gives you the greatest joy in being a leader?
Perry: "Seeing people “get it!” Leading is awesome—but when people see that they need a relationship with Jesus Christ then that pumps me up. There is no greater joy than seeing people come into the kingdom!"
2. What is your biggest pet peeve as a leader?
Perry: "Narrow minded people who are unwilling to accept the fact that though the Gospel never changes…that the methods do!"
3. Who made the biggest influence in your life as a leader?
Perry: "John Maxwell…I didn’t even know anyone even taught on the subject of leadership until I had the privilege of hearing him in 1995…I have read nearly everything the dude has in print. Also Ed Young…being able to meet and network with him has been one of the greatest privileges of my life."
4. What books have changed your life?
Perry: "Not trying to sound super spiritual—but the Bible! One that rocked my world about the way unchurched people think though was, “Inside the Mind of Unchurched Harry & Mary!” Wow—totally blew my mind…and God used that to ignite the fire that was already burning inside of me to start a church."
5. What's your biggest challenge as a leader?
Perry: "Maxwell says that if you stay one step ahead of people you are a leader…and if you are 10 steps ahead then you are a martyr…so I guess the challenge is LEADING and not just taking off like a bat out of…well…you know where! People need to be led, not pushed or pulled, and that is a challenge."
6. What goals do you have as a leader?
Perry: "I really want to HEAR from God, His plans, His agenda…and then go for it with all my heart. I have been reading the OT lately & I love the response of the prophets—they would hear from God and then go and do what He told them—they didn’t care who they offended or even if they had to put their life on the line. I want to follow His leadership with that passion—that ambition—to have His goals in mind—and not mine!"
7. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Perry: "Good one—I would have answered that differently about a month and a half ago, but with my recent near death experience I am not taking life for granted. I hope I am the senior pastor of Newspring, that is my current passion and I seriously don’t want to do anything else. However, whatever God wants & whenever He wants it is what I will do! (But once again I REALLY hope it is at Newspring!!!)"
Perry thanks for the great interview. Your passion for God and people have influenced me through your sermon mp3s and your blog. Keep it up!
Monday, August 29, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 10:00 AM |
The Leadership Blog Interview: Ted Haggard
Ted Haggard
Bio: Ted Haggard founded New Life Church in 1985, where he serves as Senior Pastor. It now has over 11,000 members and is the largest church in Colorado. He is the author of six books, including Primary Purpose; The Life Giving Church; Loving Your City Into the Kingdom (co-authored with Jack Hayford). Ted also serves on the Board of the National Association of Evangelicals as President
Church: New Life Church
The Leadership Blog Interview
1. Ted, what gives you the greatest joy in being a leader?
Ted: “I love living with a team. I don't believe that any of us can do much without a team: a group of like-minded people accomplishing a task and making life more productive for everyone involved. Leadership provides direction and the focus necessary for the team to operate. Every successful venture requires leadership. As a result, I am honored when I can lead others to be more successful and productive than they would have been otherwise.”
2. What is your biggest pet peeve as a leader?
Ted: "The discouragement that comes when someone could have chosen a better path but instead chose one that will not give them nearly the potential they possessed."
3. Who made the biggest influence in your life as a leader?
Ted: "Roy Stockstill in the joy of pastoral ministry. Daniel Ost in the necessity of working with eternity in mind. Oral Roberts in the reality that God is good and wants the best for us. John Maxwell in the importance of adding value to ourselves and then investing that value into others. These are a few of the man who have invested in me."
4. What books have changed your life?
Ted: "The Bible by God. The Lexus and the Olive Tree by Thomas Freedman. The Three Kings by Gene Edwards. The Clash of Civilizations by Huntington. Spiritual Authority by Nee."
5. What's your biggest challenge as a leader?
Ted: "Managing time."
6. What goals do you have as a leader?
Ted: "To help others be better off."
7. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Ted: "Serving New Life Church in Colorado Springs, CO"
Thanks Ted for taking time for the interview. Your book the "Life-Giving Church" influenced me in a major way!
Sunday, August 28, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 11:44 AM |
The Leadership Blog Interview: Wayne Cordeiro
Wayne Cordeiro
Bio: Wayne Cordeiro is Senior Pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship based in Honolulu, Hawaii. With a congregation of 12,000, New Hope has been listed as one of the fastest growing churches, and one of the top 25 most influential churches in the nation. Wayne is also President of Pacific Rim Bible College, a District Supervisor for his denomination, and President of New Hope International.
The Leadership Blog Interview
1. What gives you the greatest joy in being a leader?
Wayne: "Seeing God’s dream released in His people. It’s THE ultimate. The greatest joy & the greatest fulfillment. If I can be remembered as a “Dream Releaser,” I’ll die (and have lived!) a happy man."
2. What is your biggest pet peeve as a leader?
Wayne: "Complaining and blaming. Nothing kills a ministry or a move of God quicker than a spirit of division, disunity and disruption like complaining and blame-laying. We MUST, MUST, MUST keep a courageous spirit in solving every problem in a way that honors God and builds biblical character. This one is so big to me that it’s one of our church’s nine core values."
3. Who made the biggest influence in your life as a leader?
Wayne: "In the eighth grade, my family lived in Japan as my father was stationed there. I saw Catholic missionaries working with some of the poor there and it really touched my heart. Though I wasn’t a Christian yet, I knew I was called to be a servant-leader."
4. What books have changed your life?
Wayne: "Quite honestly? The LIFE journal. It’s a daily devotional that has me diving into the depths of God’s Word for me today. And everyday. It’s transformed my ministry."
5. What’s your biggest challenge as a leader?
Wayne: "Overcoming any tendency to become crusty. It’s natural to grow weary, downhearted or disappointed. I have to keep believing in God, myself, and in people."
6. What goals do you have as a leader?
Wayne: "A growing spirit of excellence in all that I do. Not perfection but a willingness to consistently improve for the sake of the Kingdom of God."
7. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Wayne: "I’m very aware that I’m rounding my last lap of ministry in the next 10-15 years so I’m doing everything I can to work wiser (not harder), making sure that what I do is something that will last beyond me. A lot of that is capturing His message through our ministry in video, Internet broadcasts, books and interviews like this one!"
Wayne thanks for taking time for a great interview! Your "spirit of excellence" has influenced me in ministry. You were a mentor to me and you never knew it. For many years I've checked out and followed your "Mentoring at a Distance", "What you were reading, What you were learning, What you were thinking..." I'm so excited to see that you now have podcasting! Thanks again. Stay tuned for more great interviews of great leaders!
Saturday, August 27, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 12:02 PM |
The Leadership Blog Interview: Greg Boyd
Greg Boyd
Bio: Greg Boyd is the Senior Pastor at Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul, Minnesota. Boyd helped plant this church in 1992 and it has since grown to an average attendance of 5,000 each weekend. Greg has authored or co–authored 14 books, including "Escaping the Matrix" and "Repenting From Religion"
Church: Woodland Hills Church
The Leadership Blog Interview
1. What gives you the greatest joy in being a leader?
Greg: "Seeing the kingdom manifested in peoples lives."
2. What is your biggest pet peeve as a leader?
Greg: "committee meetings"
3. Who made the biggest influence in your life as a leader?
Greg: "Detriech Bonhoeffer"
4. What books have changed your life?
Greg: "S. Kierkegaard: Works of Love. C.S.Lews: Mere Christianity. C. Hartshorne: Creative Synthesis and Philosophic Method. Brother Lawrence: Practicing the Presence of God."
5. What's your biggest challenge as a leader?
Greg: "Becoming Cynical"
6. What goals do you have as a leader?
Greg: "Get more people into covenant groups. Get more non-believers into a relationship with Christ. Mobilize more people to serve our city."
7. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Greg: "Doing what I love most... what I'm doing now... preaching, teaching, writing, serving."
Thanks Greg for an interesting interview! I see something consistent about many of these interviews, that many of you know what you'll be doing in ten years... what you're doing now but with greater fruit. That's a great thought!
Friday, August 26, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 2:41 PM |
The Leadership Blog Interview: Greg Surratt
Greg Surratt
Bio: Greg Surrat is Senior Pastor of Seacoast Church. Seacoast Church is #77 of the 100 Largest Churches in the U.S. with over 7,000 in weekly attendance and is ranked #28 of the 100 Fastest Growing Churches in the U.S.
Church: Seacoast Church
The Leadership Blog Interview
1. What gives you the greatest joy in being a leader?
Greg: "Lifechange! Someone coming to Christ...someone growing in their faith...someone becoming a better leader, spouse, parent...lifechange."
2. What is your biggest pet peeve as a leader?
Greg: "Top down management! Key quote around Seacoast - "We support a world that we help to create"...conversely, if they didn't help create it, they probably won't support it."
3. Who made the biggest influence in your life as a leader?
Greg: "My grandfather E.L. Surratt...(church planting is a great calling), my father Hubert Surratt...(integrity matters as a pastor, it's not about the money), my uncle Norman Surratt...(believing in the vision of the little guy), Fred Richard...(leadership is about making tough choices that impact others lives), John Maxwell...(adding value to those around you), Bill Hybels...(lost people matter to God), Rick Warren...(church can be fun, the power of focus), Bob Buford...(invest strategically in the kingdom)"
4. What books have changed your life?
Greg: "In the early years: All Originality Makes a Dull Church, The Master Plan of Evangelism"
"More recent years: Purpose Driven Church, The Life Giving Church, The GE Work-Out, The Leadership Pipeline, Organizing Genius"
"Obviously: Nehemiah, the story of David, Paul, anything about Jesus "
5. What's your biggest challenge as a leader?
Greg: "Staying real, relevant, and useful in the Kingdom of God"
6. What goals do you have as a leader?
Greg: "Keep doing what I'm doing until I can stand before and God and hear, "Good job, welcome home"I'd like to influence the conversation on what the church might look like in the next few years."
7. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Greg: "I think future years will be about investing in the next generation of world changers...that floats my boat."
Thanks Greg for a great interview. I love the quote, "We support a world that we help to create"...conversely, if they didn't help create it, they probably won't support it." I also have a few new books to add to my wishlist.
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 12:14 PM |
The Leadership Blog Interview: Dr. Larry Osborne
Dr. Larry Osborne
Bio: Larry Osborne is the senior pastor of North Coast Church, where nearly 5,700 attend on a typical weekend. The Multi-Site North Coast Church offers 23 weekend worship options on five different sites. He is a popular contributor to LEADERSHIP Journal, he writes and speaks extensively on the subject of leadership and developing healthy ministry teams.
Church: North Coast Church
The Leadership Blog Interview
1. What gives you the greatest joy in being a leader?
Larry: "Seeing people grow and develop into all that God called them to be and empowering people to the point that the spotlight falls on them instead of me."
2. What is your biggest pet peeve as a leader?
Larry: "The assumption that before carrying out any significant organizational change a leader first needs strong “buy in” from most if not all impacted parties. This idea kills off innovation because people can’t “buy in” to ideas and programs they’ve not yet seen. Fact is: leaders need “permission” not “buy in” before leading into new territory."
3. Who made the biggest influence in your life as a leader?
Larry: "The book of Proverbs and the writings of Peter Drucker."
4. What books have changed your life?
Larry: "The Bible and The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker"
5. What's your biggest challenge as a leader?
Larry: "Balancing both WHAT God wants done with WHEN He wants it done."
6. What goals do you have as a leader?
Larry: "To leave a legacy where people truly fly higher and have a greater impact because our lives crossed."
7. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Larry: "Doing exactly the same things I’m doing now. Raising up and empowering leaders within our church and helping national leaders and pastors more successful in within their ministry context."
Thanks Larry for taking time for the interview. There was some great wisdom shared in it! Your thoughts on "permission" and "buy-in" were great! More Great Interviews are on the way! Who's Next? Stay Tuned to find out!
Thursday, August 25, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 11:27 PM |
The Leadership Blog Interview: Brian Tome
Brian Tome
Bio: Brian Tome is Senior Pastor of Crossroads Community Church in Cincinnati, OH. Crossroads is #96 in the 100 Largest Churches with 6,000 in attendance. #42 in the 100 Fastest Growing Churches in the U.S.
Church Site: Crossroad Community Church
The Leadership Blog Interview
1. What gives you the greatest joy in being a leader?
Brian: "Taking risks and seeing God show up."
2. What is your biggest pet peeve as a leader?
Brian: "People's inbred pessimism about people in leadership."
3. Who made the biggest influence in your life as a leader?
Brian: "Bill Hybels"
4. What books have changed your life?
Brian: "Experiencing God by Blackaby"
5. What's your biggest challenge as a leader?
Brian: "Staying fresh with God and making decision that are dependent on His power and not mine."
6. What goals do you have as a leader?
Brian: "Stay faithful every day and make aggressive mistakes. Goals are too limiting. I have none."
7. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Brian: "Doing what I'm doing where I'm doing it except with more fruit alsohaving a pervading influence on others in the Church."
Thanks Brian for some great insight from a great leader! More interviews tomorrow!!
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 5:09 AM |
The Leadership Blog Interview: Terry Storch
Terry Storch
Bio: Terry Storch was the Chief Operations and Technology Pastor for Fellowship Church, one of the largest churches in America, located in the heart of the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. Previously as a member of the Executive Team, he was responsible for the technology and business operations for the church. He also was the Executive Director of Terry is transitioning to his new role as the Campus Pastor for Uptown.
The Leadership Blog Interview
1. What gives you the greatest joy in being a leader?
Terry: "Joy? It would have to be seeing people develop and grow, and become all that they can be! I don't think anything gives me more joy in leadership then that."
2. What is your biggest pet peeve as a leader?
Terry: "Laziness. Wow, laziness, or a lackadaisical attitude will just send me through the roof. This goes and transcends all throughout peoples attitudes. If you don't have a "we can do that" attitude you won't make it on my team."
3. Who made the biggest influence in your life as a leader?
Terry: "Ed Young. Ed has been such a model and visionary leader that I have had the wonderful opportunity to work for and learn from for over 5 years."
4. What books have changed your life?
Terry: "First and foremost the Bible! Specifically Nehemiah. Now Discover Your Strengths- Marcus Buckingham"
5. What's your biggest challenge as a leader?
Terry: "Surrendering my own agenda. My personality is one that is fire, fire, fire, go, go, go. I have a hard time letting go of my own agenda, and letting God be the pilot!"
6. What goals do you have as a leader?
Terry: "Honoring the Lord with everything is my main goal."
7. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Terry: "Hummm. I have no idea where I am going to be in 10 hours, so 10 years is impossible for me to comprehend."
Thanks Terry for taking time to give us a glimpse inside the life of a true leader! Stay tune for many more interviews daily!
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 1:17 AM |
My First Time!
It was cool to have my first Google Chat with Creative Pastor David Russell from Alabama. Our voices cut in and out a little but we were using it during the peak time. Wanna Chat? Add me to your Gmail Friends list This can open all kinds of avenues for us leaders.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 6:22 PM |
The Leadership Blog Mag!!!
You seen it here first! After the wild popularity of the Leadership Blog, you knew a mag was coming! Printed here.
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 6:04 PM |
Youth Pastor Needed!
65 Girls At Area School Pregnant
"There are 490 female students at Timken High School, and 65 are pregnant, according to a recent report in the Canton Repository.
The article reported that some would say that movies, TV, videogames, lazy parents and lax discipline may all be to blame."
Tuesday, August 23, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 5:46 PM |
Do sex offenders live near your church or home?
Check out This free tool is basically Google Maps with Registered Sex Offenders marked in location to your home or church.
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 10:05 AM |
Say What???
Pat Robertson suggests assasination on '700 Club'
"Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson suggested on-air that American operatives assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to stop his country from becoming “a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism.”
“We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability,” Robertson said Monday on the Christian Broadcast Network's “The 700 Club.”
“We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator,” he continued. “It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with.”
Monday, August 22, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 9:36 AM |
Wisdom For Those Who Live In Glass Houses
I've always heard that pastors and leaders live in glass houses. So pastors and leaders never forget this!
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 6:28 AM |
10 signs you are addicted to blogging...
I knew I had a problem. Here's Karen's 10 signs you're addicted to blogging.
1. You consider trading in your desktop for a laptop for more frequent and convenient posting.
2. You fall asleep at work because you are up all night blogging.....again.
3. Your first thought when anything happens is, "Oh, I can't wait to write about that in my blog."
4. Your mood for the day is determined by how many comments you received on your last post.
5. You actually pre-post so you will NEVER have to worry about not having a new entry.
6. You consider cancelling your vacation when you find out you won't have an internet connection and you don't yet have the ability to pre-post.
7. Your friends and family despise the word "blog"
8. You have blog "friends" who are people you've actually never met.
9. You start signing everything with your blog address instead of your name.
10. You've thought about legally changing your name to your blog address.
Sunday, August 21, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 8:43 AM |
Sunday Stew: Daddy's Day
This week I took my two girls out for a date. We called it "Daddy Day". I first took my two young girls to the hair salon to get their haircut. From there, we went to buy them both a pair of new shoes to begin their school year. The whole time I was just loving them and blessing them. They then wanted lunch and I let them decide and they wanted "Taco Bell". So we then went to Taco Bell and I got them both a "Kid's Meal". We were enjoying our time and lunch together. Then after their lunch was about over I gave them their "Cinnamon Twists" from their Kid's Meal. They loved them, they loved them so much, that when Dad asked for some, their relpy was "Dad were not sharing our Cinnamon Twist! Get your own!"
I laughed then thought to my self, "How many times do we do that to our Heavenly Daddy?" It's Daddy's Day and he's blessed us all week and provided. Then comes our time to bless him and give our best, we don't. This "Daddy's Day", give God your best and remember to share your Cinnamon Twist!
Saturday, August 20, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 6:17 PM |
Some Things are Certain
My bloggin' buddy Ben has a great post titled, "Some Things are Certain". Check it out!
Friday, August 19, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 3:19 PM |
What has Steve Learned?
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 8:39 AM |
The Seacoast Story
Check out this interesting post by Geoff Surratt on how Seacoast became an "Accidental Multi-Site". God's ways are higher than ours!
Thursday, August 18, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 9:47 AM |
Innovative Church Tip #47: Hire Worshippers
Worshipers for hire boost Sunday excitement
"Praise God!" he shouts, lifting his hands and prompting others to chime in with "amen" and "glory." His infectious enthusiasm is just what the pastor ordered. Kendall isn't a Christian, but he and hundreds of other people across the U.S. are getting paid as much as $12 an hour by temp placement agencies to pretend to be exuberant worshipers. "Praise decoy work is great," says one worshiper for hire who has lent his skills to more than 50 church services. He doesn't mind sitting through services, and considers the praise movements "good stretching exercise, like Tai Chi." In the past five years, the worshiper-for-hire industry has flourished as pastors try to goose the energy level in dwindling churches. Temp agencies train decoys to clap, laugh and make affirmative noises during the sermon. Most prized is the ability to appear authentically engaged, but not overly so." =)
Wednesday, August 17, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 5:06 PM |
Creative Team Planning
I'm doing a series on "The Heart of Worship" at church. This week we're on the "What Worship Isn't". So far we have...
1. "Worship isn't about you!"
2. "Worship isn't about tradition or empty rituals."
3. "Worship isn't about escaping reality."
Any other thoughts, ideas, resources, or a title on what "Worship Isn't", that you would like to add to our creative team planning?
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 1:50 PM |
Question of the Week
British churches are divided over whether to allow filming of The Da Vinci Code in their churches, "Would you allow "The Da Vinci Code" movie to be filmed at your church?"
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 9:47 AM |
Blogger for Word
Now you can use Blogger right within Microsoft® Word
-Publish to your blog
-Save drafts
-Edit posts
Tuesday, August 16, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 11:15 AM |
Was the Preacher Lying?
Money Can Buy Happiness
"Psychology has shown that richer people generally rank the overall quality of their lives more favorably than poorer people do. At the same time, their actual happiness seems to be motivated less by their ability to buy more than by being able to keep up with those with comparable resources in their own age group (five years older or younger), according to a new study.
"Our findings point to the possibility that, rather than promoting overall happiness, continued income growth could promote an ongoing consumption race where individuals have to consume more and more, just to maintain a constant level of happiness," writes Glenn Firebaugh of Pennsylvania State University."
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 8:11 AM |
All Pastors and Leaders already knew This
Half of All Americans Mentally Ill
"A new study by Harvard University and the National Institute of Mental Health claims that 46 percent of all Americans will, at some point in their lives, develop a mental disorder. "
Monday, August 15, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 2:11 PM |
Two Part Security Name Tags??
Does anyone know where I can find "Two Part Security Name tags" for babies for our nursery? I've looked everywhere online. Thanks.
Sunday, August 14, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 7:37 PM |
Sunday Stew
God will never ask you to do something, He doesn't think you can do. Our church has a big 60" cut Dixon zero-turn mower, that my eight year old son would just love to be able to get on and ride around on. But I never allow him or ask him to cut the grass, why b/c he can't handle it, he would get hurt and hurt others.
Even though he can't cut the grass yet (that is why we had kids ain't it), I do ask him to clean his room, make his bed, and pick up his dirty clothes. I ask him to do things, I know he can handle. If God is asking you to step out or go to that next level, it's because he thinks that you can handle it and you're ready for it. He will never put more on you than you can bear. He won't ask you to do the impossible. Always remember that God will never ask you to do something, that He doesn't think you can do!
Saturday, August 13, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 8:55 PM |
1 Question IQ Test
Here's a one question IQ Test to help you decide how you should spend the rest of your day...... There is a mute who wants to buy a toothbrush. By imitating the action of brushing one's teeth, he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done. Now if there is a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express himself?
He opens his mouth and says. "I would like to buy a pair of sunglasses" If you got this wrong - please pack up your things, turn off your Computer and call it a day.
Friday, August 12, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 12:30 PM |
Leadership Summit Notes
Mark posts some notes on Bill Hybel's opening session at the Leadership Summit.
Update: Kem has some great notes from the Leadership Summit. Session 1 -Bill Hybels , Session 2 - Rick Warren. Thanks Kem.
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 9:37 AM |
The Trump Blog!
That's right Apprentice fans! Donald Trump and "his circle of experts" have a blog called, "The Trump Blog." Check it out!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 6:07 PM |
First Podcaster From Space
You know podcasting is big when NASA does one from outer space! Here's our tax dollars at work. Click here to check out the NASA podcast.
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 10:03 AM |
Ten Deadly Distractions for Communicators
♣ Rambling
♣ Speaking in a monotone
♣ Appearing to have limited topic knowledge
♣ Showing no energy, no passion
♣ Using a lot of non-words
♣ Poor eye contact
♣ Pacing, wandering or fidgeting
♣ Using profanity or questionable humor
♣ Lack of preparation
♣ Poor storytelling skills
(Taken From Ty Boyd's Leaders Zipline Newsletter)
Tuesday, August 09, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 10:48 AM |
This is cool!
Pool of Siloam Uncovered in Jerusalem
"Scholars have said that there wasn't a Pool of Siloam and that John was using a religious conceit" to illustrate a point, said New Testament scholar James H. Charlesworth of the Princeton Theological Seminary. "Now we have found the Pool of Siloam … exactly where John said it was." A gospel that was thought to be "pure theology is now shown to be grounded in history," he said."
Monday, August 08, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 10:05 AM |
Top Church Websites?
What's your favorite church website? A company is building our church a website and they wanted to know my favorite church websites for ideas. Mine would be Granger's (, Life Church ( Know any others I need to know of?
Sunday, August 07, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 3:47 PM |
Sunday Stew
Plundering the Egyptians by Mark Batterson. Great stuff.
Saturday, August 06, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 7:24 PM |
Are Pastors Bad Listeners?
I've had to really work on this because my pastor was always in a hurry and never took time to listen to you. I believe many pastors are caught up in their own "agenda" to take time to listen to people. What do you think? Read more by Tommy Ham.
Friday, August 05, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 2:22 PM |
Lead us not into temptation...
Recently I've discovered Temptation Blocker via Attack of the Show. I'm embarrased that I need it, no it doesn't block bad sites from your computer, as the name implies but it does block programs such as Internet Explorer, Messenger... Say you have an article or message you need to finish but have the habit of checking your email every ten minutes or your blogroll. You can set Temptation Blocker to block those programs that distract you from getting work done for ten minutes or ten hours. After your time is up, your programs are unblocked. Did I also mention that it's FREE!
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 2:12 PM |
Yahoo Audio search
This is pretty cool. With Yahoo Audio Search you can "Find any audio file on the Web". Find out who has the best price on a song you're looking for before you buy it.
Thursday, August 04, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 1:48 PM |
Check this out!
Thanks to Stephen, I'm never drinking Coke again! Give me another water please.
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 9:47 AM |
A Good Leader...
"A good leader is not the person who does things right, but the person who finds the right things to do." - Anthony T. Dadovano
Wednesday, August 03, 2005 | Posted by Joshua Sargent at 10:55 PM |
Building Progam Help
Next Spring, our church will be building and does anyone have any resources to recommend for doing a "Building Fundraising Campaign"? Thanks.
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 1:02 PM |
Repainting Faith
Here's an interesting article by the Grand Rapids Press interviewing Rob Bell regarding Velvet Elvis. Link via John.
"Bell also shakes up traditional evangelical beliefs. While calling Christ's way "the best possible way to live," Bell writes Jesus did not claim one religion is better than another when he said he was "the way, the truth and the life." Rather, he writes, "his way is the way to the depth of reality."
| Posted by Joshua Sargent at 9:48 AM |
Ill Communication
Check out Bruce's post, "How to Fix the Most Common Preaching/Communication Problem". Good stuff.