Monday, August 25, 2008 | |

The Leadership Blog Interview: Ron Woods

Ron Woods

Bio: Since becoming Senior Pastor of Raleigh Assembly of God in Memphis, Tennessee in July of 2000, Pastor Woods has led the church in tremendous growth, both numerically and spiritually. With a sincere compassion for souls and desire to see the great commission accomplished through the local church, Pastor Woods has brought a new awareness and dedication among his congregation to reach the lost of their community.

Church: Raleigh Assembly of God Memphis, TN

Blog: Ron Woods Blog

1. Ron, What gives you the greatest joy in being a leader?

Ron: "Being used by God to lead people to Christ and helping people go to the next level."

2. What is your biggest pet peeve as a leader?

Ron: "Negative Attitudes"

3. Who made the biggest influence in your life as a leader?

Ron: "Tommy Barnett and Bill Hybels"

4. What books have changed your life?

Ron: "Portraits of Vision and Leading Change"

5. What's your biggest challenge as a leader?

Ron: Keeping the Vision Clarified and Communicated

6. What goals do you have as a leader?

Ron: I have a lot of goals, but I would place emphasis on my goals of staying Fresh and Focused on what matters most.

7. Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Ron: "In the Center of God’s Will"